Announcing Our New Officers!
Hello Local 5524! Just over one month ago, in our October General Membership Meeting, two members were elected to be officers of the local, ensuring it continues functioning well into the future! Now, this is your chance to meet them, so please take this opportunity to welcome our new Officers to Local 5524!
Recording Secretary – Katie Pita
As incoming Recording Secretary, Katie Pita will keep account of the proceedings of meetings, record changes to bylaws, and handle broad administrative duties for the local!

Katie is in her 4th year of her PhD in the Faculty of Environment at UWaterloo. Katie became actively engaged with OrganizeUW in Spring 2022, when she began volunteering as the liaison between OUW and UW’s Graduate Student Association. She was a consistently active member of the union drive until the successful vote in December 2023 to unionize TA’s and RA’s at Waterloo. Now, she is embarking on a new adventure as Recording Secretary for Local 5524, and is excited for this new chapter. You can find Katie most Monday evenings at the Grad House, from 5-7 PM, attending 5524’s weekly informal social event, Stammtisch (the German word for “regulars’ table”). She hopes to see you there!
Membership Officer – Gaia Noseworthy
As incoming Membership Officer, Gaia Noseworthy will be in charge of overseeing meetings of the members and handling broad communications for the local!

Gaia is in the 1st year of their Masters of Applied Mathematics with the Faculty of Mathematics at UW. Coming from their undergraduate program at the University of New Brunswick, they participated extensively in their Student Union for LGBTQ+ representation, the writing and editing of bylaws, and in building student engagement with the union. In coming to UWaterloo, they joined in with the local to support collective bargaining and representation for academic workers with the university. With a background in podcast production, communications, and union activity, they are taking the chance to be the Membership Officer of the local. You can find Gaia all over campus, and especially at the graduate house around lunch times, drinking an ice cappuccino or cortado while working on assignments and marking!
Please take this opportunity to welcome both of our new officers to the team! Remember, our next General Membership Meeting will be held Thursday, January 23 2025 at 5:00 PM. Keep your eyes peeled for a meeting notice and agenda to your email inbox soon!
In solidarity,
CUPE Local 5524
Academic Workers at the University of Waterloo